Michigan State
The Hillel International Fellowship program is for top Jewish leaders and educators who work full-time at campus Hillels around the United States. Hillel at Indiana University was one of 15 campuses selected to participate in the fellowship program. Brother Jess Goldblatt (Michigan State, 2016), originally from Elizabeth, NJ, is serving as IU Hillel’s Ezra Fellow/ Engagement Associate. He will use his own Jewish experiences to incorporate Jewish thought and life into daily conversations with students and create exciting and fun programming. “My goal is to help empower Jewish student leaders on campus, so that they can positively affect their communities upon entrance into the real world. AEPi has taught me that sometimes being a leader does not require more than possessing an open-mind and an uncompromising desire for positive change,” Brother Goldblatt said. During his time in East Lansing, Brother Goldblatt was involved with AEPi as a Recruitment Chairman and Master. He was also very involved with Hillel, serving on multiple Jewish Student Union board positions. Brother Goldblatt hopes to one day lobby Congress to affect policy and to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Israel. In his leisure time, he enjoys traveling and playing football with friends. Although a diehard Spartan basketball fan, Brother Goldblatt is open to the idea of pulling for the Hoosiers as he makes his home in Bloomington. Mazel tov to Brother Goldblatt on his new position! We wish him much success as he works to further strengthen Jewish life on Indiana’s campus.Alum Helping Indiana University Hillel Move from Strength to Strength