Scott Alan Cohon, (Wayne State, 1991) has been elected the 73rd Supreme Master of Alpha Epsilon Pi. After nearly two decades of professional and volunteer service to AEPi, he was elected at this summer’s international convention in Fort Lauderdale. For Supreme Master Cohon, it represented the culmination of something he’s dedicated most of his adult life to. And, he can trace it all back to one specific day. “I showed up at Michigan State University in 1986 and was really sure that I wasn’t going Greek. I had played football and baseball in high school and I was looking to [...]
Brother Zack establishes new Rampant Lion Award In the last several years, Jewish students on university campuses have experienced a significant rise in anti-Semitism. Our own AEPi brothers have been targeted with physical attacks, and several of our chapter houses were vandalized with swastikas. Despite this new reality on campus, our young brothers are on the front lines, leading their peers and standing up to hate. Brother Zack took notice of AEPi’s approach to developing proud and confident Jewish leaders and through his generosity, established the Zack Rampant Lion Award. Stephen N. Zack (Florida, 1969) Past president of American Bar [...]
On Saturday evening, Oct. 8, 2016, I was excited about being initiated as an honorary member of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity. The special initiation ceremony would take place at the conclusion of one day of their weekend of student leadership programming for the AEPi fall 2016 Combat Hate Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Courtesy of Lou Balcher (Honorary Initiate) Founded in 1913, AEPi engages more than than 10,000 students on more than 190 campuses and boasts 100,000 alumni in eight countries. I was deeply moved that now I was about to become a “brother” of this esteemed fraternity committed to the [...]
In March 2016, a dozen members of the B’Nai B’rith Young Leadership Network and AEPi brothers traveled together to Japan, with funding from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Center, in an attempt to share knowledge and experience their culture. The group arrived at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, and their first day, like all of the others, was crammed with activities. They received a program orientation, learned about Japanese foreign policy and visited the famous Buddhist Temple of Asakusa. “It was fascinating to see how a country holds onto its [ancient] history and embraces the [...]