Hardly a day passes without an article appearing about the situation on college campuses, with the overwhelming majority claiming the campuses are awash in anti-Israel activity and anti-Semitism. Some hysterics have gone so far as to make the irresponsible claim that Jewish students are in danger. Along with these concerns, commentators lament the ignorance of young Jews, their apathy and reluctance to stand up for Israel. Everyone is looking for the silver bullet to energize Jewish students to become pro-Israel activists whose love for Israel is infectious, who have the knowledge to discuss Israel with their classmates, and who have [...]
In Israel, Yom Ha’Shoah -- Holocaust Remembrance Day -- is commemorated with a siren at 10:00 AM and two minutes of silence. On college campuses around the world, Alpha Epsilon Pi brothers honor the victims of the Holocaust in a different way. While the silence is common to both observances, undergraduates brothers focus on ensuring that people on their campus and the surrounding community never forget. In collaboration with B’nai B’rith International, they embark on a silent march for the “We Walk to Remember” (WW2R) program. The only sounds emanating from the procession are their footsteps hitting the pavement and [...]