September 6, 2024
On Tuesday, October 29, the Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame will be honoring Brother Gary Gerson (Vanderbilt, 1985) with a Pillar of Excellence. How did a self-proclaimed “pipsqueak” and high school “band geek” end up here? In typical Gary Gerson fashion, he took the road less traveled and in his own inimitable style. After walking onto the Vanderbilt football team in 1981 (after walking away from his career in the marching band), Gary’s devotion to his teammates and Vanderbilt Commodore football became legendary. While on one of Vanderbilt’s most successful football squads (the 1982 team played in the Hall [...]
August 30, 2024
As the Assistant Sherrif in Las Vegas, Nevada, charged with overseeing technological innovations, investigative services, Homeland Security and special operations, including departments such as homicide, crime, robbery, vice, and narcotics, Brother Dori Korean (Nevada – Las Vegas, 2006) has a huge responsibility for leadership in his department and community. And he gives much of the credit for developing those leadership skills to his time in AEPi. “In my time in AEPi, I learned how to run an organization…when you’re the president of a chapter you have to know how to do everything from recruiting to finance to fundraising,” said Dori. [...]
August 19, 2024
View the full list of award winners from AEPi Convention 111!
September 6, 2024
On Tuesday, October 29, the Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame will be honoring Brother Gary Gerson (Vanderbilt, 1985) with a Pillar of Excellence. How did a self-proclaimed “pipsqueak” and high school “band geek” end up here? In typical Gary Gerson fashion, he took the road less traveled and in his own inimitable style. After walking onto the Vanderbilt football team in 1981 (after walking away from his career in the marching band), Gary’s devotion to his teammates and Vanderbilt Commodore football became legendary. While on one of Vanderbilt’s most successful football squads (the 1982 team played in the Hall [...]
August 30, 2024
As the Assistant Sherrif in Las Vegas, Nevada, charged with overseeing technological innovations, investigative services, Homeland Security and special operations, including departments such as homicide, crime, robbery, vice, and narcotics, Brother Dori Korean (Nevada – Las Vegas, 2006) has a huge responsibility for leadership in his department and community. And he gives much of the credit for developing those leadership skills to his time in AEPi. “In my time in AEPi, I learned how to run an organization…when you’re the president of a chapter you have to know how to do everything from recruiting to finance to fundraising,” said Dori. [...]
August 16, 2024
Each year at Alpha Epsilon Pi’s International Convention, the fraternity’s undergraduate chapters elect members of the undergraduate cabinet who are charged with being a liaison between undergraduates and the Supreme Board of Governors as well as helping to facilitate communications and relationships between chapters, alumni and staff. Mazel Tov to Brothers Max Zimmerman (Towson, 2027), Leeor Plafkin (California State – Northridge, 2025), and Daniel Tawil (Reichman, 2026) for winning their seats on the 2024-25 AEPi Undergraduate Cabinet! Look for more from them in the coming days and weeks as they begin reaching out to chapters in their regions and across [...]
April 19, 2024
(Editor’s Note: Two weeks ago, the AEPi house in Tucson, Arizona was vandalized while the chapter was away for a formal weekend. You can read about the incident in this article. Coincidentally (but probably not), on the day after the chapter returned from their trip, the Tucson City Council was slated to consider a "Cease Fire" resolution. Brother Yehonathan Kleinerman (Arizona, 2026), who is the current chapter president, led a group of Brothers to the City Council and spoke. By the end of the night, and with the help of Past Supreme Master Jeff Jacobson and others in the Jewish [...]
March 15, 2024
(Editor’s Note: Daniel Conway (UC – Berkeley, 2024) wrote the following column to tell his personal Jewish journey in college and express his experiences on campus since October 7. In January of 2023, Daniel was featured as a Friday PiDay on the AEPi website telling his story as a Israel on Campus Coalition Geller Fellow. AEPi is proud to use this space to help Daniel tell his story and to give our Brothers and supporters a taste of the climate on campus today. To submit your own column, email [email protected]). Over the past five months, I have realized that my [...]
December 29, 2023
(Editor’s Note: Brother Rabbi Alan Litwak was a founding father of the Sigma Beta chapter of AEPi at University of California – Santa Barbara. Raised in Northern California, he is a product of the Reform Jewish movement and has served congregations in both Southern and Northern California, as well as Long Island, Manhattan, and Albany, New York. Since 2002 he has held the position of Senior Rabbi at Temple Sinai of North Dade (Florida). The VOICES article below are excerpts from social media posts Rabbi Litwak wrote for his congregation while on a South Florida rabbinical mission to Israel in [...]
AEPi is always looking for good news and stories about our undergraduates, alumni and partners. We feature such stories on this site’s weekly #FridayPiday section and in our quarterly publication, The Lion. Send us some news!