Dollars At Work


AEPi strives to provide our members with best-in-class leadership development and education opportunities available.

Traveling Educational Leadership Consultants

Each year, a select group of recent graduates who were top AEPi leaders work for the fraternity to assist campus chapters and student officers with program development, recruitment, and chapter operations.

Regional Leadership Conclave Retreats

Each Spring semester, more than 2,000 AEPi Brothers gather on campuses in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Israel for weekend-long Conclave retreats to attend workshops and seminars on organizational management, fiscal responsibility, and educational programming.

Masters’ Academy

Chapter Masters attend a specially designed executive leadership program to discuss leadership methodology, management, strategic planning, risk management, and community relations.

Academic Scholarships

Need-based financial aid and merit-based scholarship grants are awarded to Brothers seeking assistance in order to complete their undergraduate and/ or graduate degrees programs.


As the only organization in the fraternity world dedicated to Jewish identity and Israel education, AEPi is positioned to reach students on university and college campuses unlike any other campus-based organization.

We Walk to Remember

On Yom HaShoah, undergraduate Brothers organize special events on their respective campuses to educate their peers about the Holocaust and stand up to anti-Semitism.

Jewish Identity Micro-Grants

As chapters celebrate the holidays throughout the year, they are provided Jewish identity micro- grants to host holiday programs such as Shabbat dinners, Chanukah celebrations, and Passover seders.

Israel Education & Advocacy Training Scholarships

Individual Brothers are awarded Israel education and advocacy training scholarships to attend conferences and educational programs in Israel.

Jewish & Leadership Programming Department (JLPD)

Dedicated to supporting the local chapter’s activities, the JLPD team mentors AEPi students who fill the chapter leadership roles of Philanthropy Chair, Jewish Identity Chair, Israel Engagement Chair.

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