AEPi Launches Alumni Advisory Boards
Would you like to become a chapter advisor for AEPi? This has become a very important question as we move into the future of whatever awaits fraternity and sorority life. AEPi has grown significantly over the past 20 years and it is time we reimagine how we can provide more resources and guidance to our undergraduate Brothers. While the volunteer structure for AEPi has transformed over time, for better or for worse, now is when our chapter advisors are needed the most. Campuses continue to be major anti-Semitic hotspots. Universities are pushing back against Greek organizations more and more. The expectations for our 18-22-year-old members are becoming unrealistic. AEPi staff works extremely hard to help our Brothers operate a properly functioning chapter. They focus primarily on recruitment, health & safety, philanthropy, leadership development, etc. However, it can be our chapter advisors that provide wisdom and life lessons that come from years of personal development and professional experience. Chapter advisors provide a consistent voice to our chapters as our Brothers filter in and out of their undergraduate careers. As I am sure many of our volunteers can attest, the position is also extremely rewarding when you see your chapter and its members succeed in all aspects of fraternity and academia.
AEPi has started restructuring our approach to working and communicating with our chapter advisors. We have updated all manuals and resources that existed previously. We have also begun offering more opportunities to maintain involvement with Headquarters and staff. A monthly Web Series has created an opportunity for our volunteers to hear about what is happening on the chapter services front. In addition, the Web Series serves as a refresher in basic operations and how our chapter advisors can play a more influential role. A very basic list of expectations for our chapter advisors has been created to help provide a better idea for what the position is and how one can succeed. We are encouraging more participation in conclaves and International Convention each year in an effort to boost collaboration among all chapter advisors. There is still a lot of work to be done but the foundation for a solid chapter advisor program has been set.
Through our advisor recruitment efforts, we have been afforded the opportunity to create Alumni Advisory Boards, or AABs. At the moment we have four operating AABs working with our chapters at the University of Maryland, University of Arizona, UCLA, and Bradley University. Each board has taken a slightly different approach, tailoring their roles to the different needs of our chapters. At Bradley University the alumni have helped to bridge the gap between the undergraduates and their alumni. They have helped facilitate opportunities for each undergraduate brother to be paired with an alumni brother based on their career/professional interests. The local alumni of our AAB in Arizona is working to help engrain our chapter into the larger Tucson community. The plan is to help the chapter branch out from campus and become a larger presence in the area to spread the good work of the Brothers. We are excited about the prospects of AABs because they offer our undergraduate Brothers a variety of perspectives and experiences. Our alumni are active in their University’s alumni and local communities.
In light of these successes, we have begun the process to replicate the AABs with other chapters. Chapters that have been identified as groups that could benefit from additional guidance. It is our sincere hope that we can continue to identify alumni who are willing to volunteer and provide more for our undergraduate Brothers. While every chapter may not need an AAB, trying to provide a chapter advisor or an AAB for each chapter is the primary goal. A goal we should all be working towards. So, I’ll ask again, would you like to be a chapter advisor for AEPi?
If you are ready to take the first step, contact Andrew Neiberg at [email protected].
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