Brother Scott Friedman (Florida Atlantic, 2020)

Trust is valuable, especially when collaborating on a project. Everyone has to be trusted to achieve the best outcome. Videographer and director Brother Scott Friedman (Florida Atlantic, 2020), is collaborating with up and coming brands and artists, taking their production to the next level.

Brother Friedman constantly had a camera in his hand as he grew up and was always into film and videography. “When I went to FAU I saw that I could do this for a living and that’s when I seriously got into it.” He started shooting gym and basketball videos and received a Bachelor’s degree in multimedia studies with a concentration in film and video.

“It was definitely a good experience for me. It taught me a lot about film theory, what it’s like to be on a Hollywood set, and the proper terms. I think there’s a stigma where people say film school’s not worth it, just go out and do it yourself. But, you don’t get the experience of actually knowing how to be prepared. FAU prepared me for the real world. I wouldn’t be able to think the way that I am when it comes to art.”

Brother Friedman always knew he wanted to be in AEPi. His cousin was president of the Penn State chapter and would tell him stories. Brother Friedman had already looked into the Phi Alpha chapter when he knew that would be attending FAU. “When I got there, I instantly connected with all the Brothers.” After becoming a Brother he became the New Member Educator and Vice President. One of his fondest memories was initiating 20 Brothers. “There is a linkage between being the Vice President of a 70 brother chapter and running a film set. If you’re directing something you have to be able to delegate. That was something that was crucial in my position. You have to be able to trust your crew. I had to be able to trust the Brothers in my chapter to get the job done. I don’t think I would be the director I am today if I was never Vice President of the chapter.”

In fact, Brother Friedman’s crew today consists of several Phi Alpha Brothers because he can trust them. Even though their skill level might still need polishing, Brother Friedman still works with them because he trusts them. Brother Max Cohen (Florida Atlantic, 2021) produces all of the music videos, sets up the videos and the logistics behind the scenes. Brother Noah Studley (Florida Atlantic, 2021) shoots all the behind the scenes content for the YouTube page. Brother Josh Marer (Florida Atlantic, 2022) helps out on set, as well. Brother Friedman regularly Facetimes, figures out logistics and preps for shoots with his Brothers.

One of his favorite music videos is The Nac 2 with a Jewish rapper named BLP Kosher (Benny). The video got 700,000 views on YouTube. “Without him, my career wouldn’t be where it is right now because Benny is blowing up in the rap game right now. People know me as his videographer and director because it’s crucial. Everyone needs their own videographer content creator because content’s everything right now.” Before they collaborated, BLP Kosher had 20,000 followers on Instagram, now he has over 100,000 followers and is negotiating with big record labels. 

Making these music videos is a major collaboration. It’s Brother Friedman’s vision but it’s at BLP Kosher’s creative discretion. “I pretty much have to flesh out whatever Benny’s thinking in order to get the video done. Anything he wants I have to storyboard.” For music videos there is a shot list that they plan for hours. Since music videos are only about three minutes long, every shot and frame needs to be perfect and for a reason. “If you see some of Benny’s videos from a year or two years ago compared to what they are now, it’s completely different. I think that’s what his fan base appreciates, they see his progress.”

Brother Friedman works with brands like TFL Apparel, and DJ’s such as Green Velvet, Claude VonStroke, Avision, Cedric Gervais. He also works with other artists like Lil Dew, whose music video, V12, gained him 2 million subscribers on a platform called Elevators. “I’m not in it for the money. I’m in it because I love music and I love filmmaking. If I could build a platform to get underground artists known to record labels, I would be a happy man.” 

Brother Friedman cares about the artist and wants to know what’s going on in their life so as to better work with them. “It’s not easy to bring out that emotion on-set with cameras and a crew they’ve never met before. It’s not just pressing the record button, saying ‘action’ and done. There’s a lot more that goes into it.”

His goal is to create a film studio in South Florida because there are so many talented artists specifically in Broward County. There are a lot of film studios that artists go to in Los Angeles and Chicago and he wants to provide that in South Florida to keep the artists local. “I want to build that community, that production spot where everyone, even if you’re not shooting a video, can just come chill.”

“Never let your ego get in the way. A lot of the times I had to shoot for an artist either for free or cheap because you never know which artist is going to blow up. From a business standpoint, these artists are investments so never be afraid to do something for free. Do what you love and not what you’re told to love. Stay with the vision because if you don’t stay with that vision and you’re gonna wind up regretting it.”

 “I just want to shout out to my parents, my friends (GBA) and my big Brother because they always trusted me. I want to shout out the Phi Alpha chapter, I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am right now without the positions I held and without Brothers in that chapter.”
