(INDIANAPOLIS, IN) – Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity (AEPi), the world’s leading Jewish college fraternity, has hired three alumni with experience in Jewish communal involvement and chapter operations to serve the fraternity as Regional Directors.
Brothers Martin Volinsky (Florida Atlantic, 2012), Tomer Kornfeld (Brooklyn College, 2017) and Grant Bigman (James Madison, 2012) will be responsible for overseeing chapter operations and performance for their chapters and building relationships with key stakeholders including university administrations, undergraduate leaders, and local alumni volunteers.
Brother Volinsky has worked for Jewish non-profits for several years. Previously, he served as director of the young leadership division of the Jewish Federation of Broward County, as a social media specialist for Gift of Life Marrow Registry and as a program coordinator for Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. He will oversee AEPi’s nine chapters, colonies and interest groups in the Florida region located at The University of Miami, Florida International University, Florida Atlantic University, University of Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, University of Tampa and the cities of Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee, Florida.
Brother Kornfeld has worked for Jewish non-profits and in workforce development for several years. Previously, he served as program manager at EDSI (Educational Data Systems, Inc.), as a summer program director for the Mandell JCC in West Hartford, CT, and as the director of teen services at the Kings Bay Y in Brooklyn, NY. He will oversee 12 of AEPi’s chapters, colonies and interest groups in the Northeast region located at Yale University, University of Hartford, Brandeis University, University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Trinity College, University of Connecticut, Boston University, University of Vermont, University of Albany, SUNY – New Paltz, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Brother Bigman returns to Alpha Epsilon Pi after previously serving as an educational leadership consultant (ELC) and director of chapter services. Since leaving AEPi in 2016, he has served as associate director at Hillel at Virginia Tech, as a graduate assistant at Duke University’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Office in Durham, N.C., and as the resident director at North Carolina State University Fraternity and Sorority Life Office in Raleigh, N.C. He will oversee 17 chapters, colonies and interest groups in the Mid-Atlantic region located at Pennsylvania State University, Towson University, Georgetown University, George Mason University, University of Virginia, James Madison University, The Johns Hopkins University, Virginia Tech, American University College of William and Mary, Duke University, Elon University, Wake Forest University, Appalachian State University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina – Charlotte and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“Having these outstanding men working on behalf of the betterment of Alpha Epsilon Pi will help our chapters grow and assist our other staff members,” said Rob Derdiger, AEPi CEO. “Their commitment to our fraternity will enable us to further our mission of developing the future leaders of the world’s Jewish communities.”
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Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) is the world’s leading Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters on more than 150 college campuses around the world. Founded in 1913, AEPi has more than 100,000 living alumni. The fraternity’s mission – developing the future leaders of the Jewish community – is demonstrated every day through acts of brotherhood, Tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.