06 Mar, 2020

Message About Coronavirus Risks to AEPi Undergraduates

06 Mar, 2020

As many of our U.S. undergraduates prepare to head out on Spring Break over the coming weeks, we wanted to detail some simple precautions that all of us should be taking on campus, in your residences or in your spring break travels. With the spread of Coronavirus, taking every precaution possible is important.

In order to protect the health of you and your fraternity Brothers, please follow the guidelines below:

  • Increase your diligence about disinfecting your residence (chapter house, off campus apartment, dorm, etc.) during this time. Wash down surfaces which are frequently touched like door handles, faucets, etc. on a regular basis with a disinfectant. Have hand sanitizer and tissues available throughout the property for your Brothers and guests.
  • Avoid touching your eyes and mouth as much as possible. Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently and properly (using antibacterial soap and warm water). Limit your physical contact (shaking hands, etc.) with each other and strangers as much as possible The Supreme Master has authorized you to refrain from giving the AEPi handshake at initiation or formal Brotherhood meetings during this time.
  • Most importantly, if you are not feeling well, take every precaution to isolate yourself from your Brothers, roommates and guests. If you see a guest who is not feeling well, encourage them to go home and separate themselves from others.

For several years, AEPi has taught our Brothers, “I am my Brother’s Keeper.” Now is an ideal time to put this lesson into practice and encourage your entire Brotherhood to adopt habits which can help keep the chapter and the community safer.

Please stay in touch with your university health centers to stay on top of local developments relating to your campus and surrounding community.

The staff at Alpha Epsilon Pi International will be working with your chapter’s leadership in the event of any new developments relating to campus closures, etc. Our main concern, as always, is for the health, safety and education of our Brothers.

Please be safe, be cautious and Be Your Brothers’ Keeper.
