Starting this weekend, Brothers from across the United States and Canada will road trip to an #AEPiConclave location for a weekend they’ll never forget. While Conclave can be overwhelming for first-time attendees, those who have attended know how impactful it is. You will have the chance to meet other chapters in your region and learn from other Brothers. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with tips and tricks to have the most successful weekend and help you jump start your semester:
1. Find Your Region's Conclave

#AEPiConclave in North America and Canada is split into five regions. Our chapters and colonies in Israel, Australia, Austria and the U.K. all belong to the international region and attend a separate International Conclave in the fall. Which of our locations is nearest to you this year?
Midwest Conclave – February 7-9 at the University of Cincinnati
South Conclave – February 7-9 at the University of Alabama
West Conclave – February 21-23 at the University of California – Davis
Northeast Conclave – February 21-23 at Drexel University
Texas Conclave – February 21-23, 2020 at the University of North Texas
2. Register Now, It's Easy!

The most important step to having a successful #AEPiConclave weekend is making sure you’re registered! Chapters can take advantage of bulk registration by e-mailing Director of Events and Special Operations, Lynsie Morgan. Otherwise, you can register on your own. Just click the button below and find your region’s Conclave.
Your registration covers the cost of the event and most meals during programming throughout the weekend.
3. Book Your Hotel

Where are you and your chapter Brothers planning to stay? If you need hotel accommodations, AEPi has got you covered with some recommendations. Local hotels that are close to campus are providing rooms at a discounted rate for AEPi Brothers. These rates are the best in the area, so be sure to book your room before it’s too late.
Hotel information for each #AEPiConclave location can be found on our Conclave web page.
4. Make Travel Plans

So, you’ve registered for #AEPiConclave and booked your hotel. Now what? Cue up the tunes! No road trip is complete without the ultimate playlist.
How will you and your Brothers get to Conclave? Some chapters carpool, rent buses or split travel costs with other local chapters. Whatever your means of transportation are, it’s a good idea to have a Brother or committee in charge of planning this out. You can also contact your chapter’s Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) to discuss alternative options.
5. Enjoy the Experience

Getting to #AEPiConclave is only half the fun. What do you do once you get into town? Keep an eye out for email updates from AEPi International with campus maps and a Conclave weekend schedule. Utilize your time to accomplish one or more of the following:
Gain Knowledge: #AEPiConclave is a time full of Brotherhood and learning. Schools have been hosting this event dating back to the early 1970s, when AEPi had dramatic growth in North America. The purpose of #AEPiConclave weekend is to allow you to meet other Brothers and connect and learn best practices for chapter operations, gaining a deeper understanding of the fraternity and how it’s more than just your local chapter. There’s something for everyone to take away, and you’ll only get out the effort you put in to learn. Attend as many break-out sessions as possible. These sessions are designed to give you hands-on, meaningful education to take back to the chapter and make effective, positive change.
Network: you’d be amazed at how many similar issues chapters in a given region face. Use this time to speak with your peers about how to best tackle those issues. Who knows? Maybe another chapter or colony has already dealt with what you’re currently struggling to accomplish. #AEPiConclave is an opportunity to share new ideas with undergraduate Brothers, and gain knowledge from AEPi alumni in attendance that are leaders in their respective fields and industries.
Fraternize: At the end of the day, some of the best #AEPiConclave experiences happen outside of programming. While you learn key aspects of AEPi operations in each session, there’s nothing quite like the bonding that happens with your Brothers. Check out the campus and local establishments, lounge together at the hotel pool or visit the host chapter’s house!
6. Share Your Experience
Throughout the weekend, we want to hear from you about your experience! Use the hashtags #AEPiConclave and #ProudtobeaPi to tell the world why there’s no better network than ours. Be sure to tag AEPi on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You may just get featured on our social media if you do!
We can’t wait to see you at this year’s #AEPiConclave. Safe travels, Brothers!