11 Dec, 2019

AEPi’s Statement on Today’s Executive Order

11 Dec, 2019

Alpha Epsilon Pi International, the world’s leading Jewish college fraternity, applauds all efforts to raise awareness of and stop the vicious and often violent rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Our undergraduate Brothers need to feel safe to be Jewish and pro-Israel on their campuses.

Our undergraduate Brothers work to fight BDS on their campuses every day. There has never been a question that BDS, an effort to delegitimize Israel, is anti-Semitism.

We continue to be proud of our Brother, Past Supreme Master Elan Carr (California – Berkeley, 1990), who serves as the U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combatting anti-Semitism. Brother Carr’s role on the front lines of fighting anti-Semitism is an example for all of our Brothers and further inspiration for our Brothers to continue to fight the scourge of anti-Semitism on their campuses and in their communities throughout the globe.

Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) is the world’s leading Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters, colonies and interest groups on 175 college campuses in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Austria, Australia and Israel. Founded in 1913, AEPi has more than 90,000 living alumni. While non-discriminatory, the fraternity’s mission – developing the future leaders of the Jewish communities – is demonstrated every day through acts of Brotherhood, Tzedakkah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.
