Welcome to #AEPi106! Check back for daily updates on AEPi’s 106th International Convention, starting August 7th, 2019.
Check out our FAQ page for more information about Convention.
Friday, Day 3
Honorary Initiation

Yesterday morning, Chief Delegates had the opportunity to sit in on a model initiation. Ritual Committee Chairman and Past Supreme Master Elan Carr (UC Berkeley, 1990) discussed the proper way to run ritual to attendees, answering questions they had, and some Brothers assisted Supreme Master Jeff Jacobson (Northern Arizona, 1992) as a part of the ritual committee.
We welcomed seven men into the Alpha Epsilon Pi brotherhood. Mazel Tov to these new Brothers!
Supreme Council

After initiation, Brothers made their way to the 106th Supreme Council meeting where we announced members of AEPi’s second Undergraduate Cabinet of nine Brothers: Ari Bell (Central Florida, 2021), Aaron Carpenter (App State, 2021), Larry Likhtenstein (Baruch, 2020), Taylor Zieper (York, 2020), Marc Geller (Northeastern, 2019), Zach Kirshner (GVSU, 2020), Jordan Swidler (North Texas, 2022), Adam Meleo (Cal. Poly – SLO, 2021) and Oscar Miskin (Birmingham, 2020). Cabinet members are chosen from each region and will serve as the voice and interest of the undergraduate Brothers. Mazel Tov to these Brothers!
During the Supreme Council meeting, AEPi also unanimously voted to present the Order of the Lion, the fraternity’s highest honor, to Past Supreme Master Ira Brody (Ohio, 1984). Mazel Tov, Brother Brody.

Breakout sessions were available for Brothers to attend after Supreme Council, and then there was some chofesh (free time) before Shabbat services and dinner.

Once Shabbat dinner was finished, Brothers were encouraged to attend the #BROneg, AEPi’s twist on the Jewish Oneg. Prizes such as rush shirts, a rush banner, a Nintendo Switch and DJ speakers were raffled off thanks to #BROneg sponsors OmegaFi and JNF.
Brothers enjoyed desserts, played games like giant Jenga, life-size pong and cornhole.

What a week it has been! We can’t believe that #AEPi106 is almost over, we hope you’ve been enjoying yourself. If you took any photos with your Brothers, send them to [email protected] and they may be featured in a slideshow tonight at the 106th International Awards Banquet. We’ll see you tonight, don’t forget to wear your suit and tie.
Thursday, Day 2
Breakout Sessions
Brothers had a chance to choose between several sessions before our Official Philanthropy lunch. We had special sessions for Pledgemasters, Chief Delegates and Rush Chairmen as well as individual sessions on philanthropy, situational awareness and creating a change that lasts.
Official Philanthropy Lunch

Addressing all attendees at lunch, Chief Programming Officer Jonathan Bridge announced that AEPi has reached its one million dollar commitment to its ten beneficiaries. The beneficiaries were honored at the lunch before announcing our three new philanthropic partners: United Hatzalah of Israel, The Jaffa Institute and The Israel Cancer Research Fund. We are ecstatic to work with these wonderful Jewish organizations!
Partner Fair
After lunch, chapters and colonies met with AEPi Headquarters staff and volunteers for their Mandatory Chapter Meeting (MCM), enjoyed some chofesh (free time) and were encouraged to meet some of our partners at the partner fair. More than 30 partners were here to showcase who they are and what they can do for Jewish life on your campus.

Some Brothers, chapters, colonies and friends were recognized with awards. Make sure you look to see if you were a recipient of an award! Unclaimed awards will be delivered to your MCM. There will be an opportunity to take a photo with your award after your MCM.

After another afternoon of breakouts, Brothers were free to roam the district on their own for the evening. We hope you were able to reconnect with old friends, make new ones and have a fun time yesterday. We can’t believe the week is almost over, so be sure to continue getting the most out of your sessions and let us know what you think with #AEPi106 on social media.

Wednesday, Day 1
Third Annual Career Day

Alpha Epsilon Pi kicked off its third annual Career Day yesterday. More than 40 employers and organizations came to meet our Brothers and discuss full-time jobs, mentorships and internship programs available to them.

Free professional headshots were also taken, and attendees had the opportunity to sit down and have their resume critiqued by alumni and business professionals. We hope everyone enjoyed Career Day and all of the professional development sessions that were offered. Thank you to our Career Day sponsors: Drop Stop, WDSrx, Rockstar Coders, Shorashim, Kahal and Onward Israel.
Opening Session

Last night had plenty of pleasant surprises during the opening session. After addressing undergraduate Brothers, CEO Jim Fleischer (Kent State, 1993) was told that an award would be dedicated in his name. Brother Fleischer spent the last year fighting cancer, so the award will be given to those who display a tremendous amount of courage.

Every year, the CEO asks Brothers to stand and play a “game.” He then asks Brothers to sit if this is their first Convention. As the number of years at Convention goes up, the number of attendees still standing goes down. One remained this year. Brother Phil Cohen (NYC, 1957) was recognized last night for attending his 60th consecutive AEPi convention this year. Mazel Tov, Brother Cohen!

After, Jim announced that five colonies will receive their charter in the upcoming academic year: Auburn, Elon, Kennesaw, Wayne State and West Virginia. Mazel Tov to these colonies and their Brothers who have worked so hard to receive this honor!