This week, AEPi’s Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) set out for our 106th International Convention, after which they will head to their regions. Your ELC is more than the random staff member from Headquarters sleeping on your couch. They are the key to your chapter or colony’s advancement. Your ELC will be a listening ear when you need it most, the Brother that’s always on your side and the one who will stay up until 3:00 AM to have meaningful conversations about the chapter. Most importantly, your ELC is there to help your chapter succeed.
Consultants work tirelessly each and every day to ensure your success and will be your greatest asset in the coming school year. Whether it’s over the phone, during rush week or over dinner after a long car ride, your consultant is always ready to work with you.
In this week’s special #FridayPiday feature, we want to introduce you to all ten of this year’s ELCs. Each one has a unique story that brought them to AEPi and this is your opportunity to connect a face to the name.
Alex Berman – Southeast Region
Brother Berman (Towson, 2018) is also far from home in Long Island, New York but is returning for his second year on staff as an ELC. He’s spent his whole life on the East Coast, but traveling is one of his passions. “Before starting as a consultant, I traveled to more countries than U.S. states so I look forward to exploring the Southeast this year.” At Tau Mu, he was most proud to serve as new member educator, and also served as brother at large and every minor board position in the chapter. “I never had a strong connection to Judaism before AEPi, but the fraternity encouraged me to go on Birthright where I had a life-changing experience.” He loves seeing his work pay off and developing the Jewish leaders of tomorrow.
“AEPi did so much for me as an undergraduate, introducing me to life-long friends, influencing my career choice and opening endless doors. I feel it’s my duty to help other brothers realize the potential in this fraternity is endless.”

Adam Bernstein – Great Lakes Region
Brother Bernstein (Central Florida, 2019) wants to impact his undergraduates’ lives the same way his chapter’s past consultant impacted his. Feeling inspired by the connections to his brothers and to Judaism that AEPi gave him, he decided to accept a role as AEPi’s Great Lakes region consultant. During his time with the Nu Delta chapter, Brother Bernstein held the roles of social chair, new member educator, rush committee member and “Gym” chair. Having never spent time in the Midwest and Great Lakes areas of the United States, Brother Bernstein is excited to explore the area and make connections. “I feel like I can relate to a lot of the undergraduates in my region and truly provide them with wisdom.” His most fond memory in AEPi is attending formal at Panama City Beach. “I was initiated the night before, so it felt really special.”

Corey Cohen – New England Region
Originally from Coral Springs, Florida, Brother Cohen (Central Florida, 2019) has lived in Orlando since he was seven until after college when he started working for AEPi. While in the Nu Delta chapter, he served as rush chair for two years, new member educator for one semester and lieutenant master for one semester. “As an Israeli, the Jewish culture has always been around me but my friends were not always Jewish. AEPi really gave me a place where I could create a meaningful bond with Jewish guys at UCF.” Brother Cohen looks back on his experience helping his chapter grow during his time as an undergraduate. “When I joined, we were 20 guys with no drive or direction. A few years later when we were planning a formal in New Orleans, we were overwhelmed with having to book a venue to fit 140 Brothers and their dates.” He wanted to work for AEPi because of the skills he got during his undergraduate experience, and he plans to pass this on to to the chapters in the New England region. “The public speaking, communication, team building skills, and overall confidence are some things that this organization has given me, and I want to give that to other Brothers.” He is looking forward to exploring new cities like Montreal, Halifax and Boston.

Ethan Cook – Western Region
A founding father of the Chi Eta chapter, Brother Cook (California State – Chico, 2018) took on a lot of responsibility when starting the group. He served as Brother at Large, Lieutenant Master, Master and Rush Chairman. From Pleasant Hill, California, he has worked as the United Kingdom consultant for the past academic year, and is going to be working with the Western region this coming year. “I’m looking forward to working with some of our larger chapters with the opportunity to make an impact on a larger level.” AEPi has not only provided leadership opportunities for Brother Cook, but has also reignited Judaism in his life. “Unlike my bar mitzvah days where Judaism was something I had to do, AEPi has shown me a Jewish community I want to immerse myself in and be proud of.”
“I never expected to be a founding father, I didn’t want to be master, I even refused job offers from AEPi. But, every time I try to turn my back on AEPi, it pulls me back in and I am so incredibly grateful for it. I have made many of my best friends and memories because of this organization and it never ceases to amaze me. It was the best decision I never wanted to make and it continues to prove me wrong every day.”

Ryan Kaplan – New York Metro Region
A proud member of the Chi Nu chapter, Brother Kaplan (California State – Northridge, 2019) is excited to start his year as a consultant for the New York Metro region. “I chose to work for AEPi because I wanted to give back to the organization that gave so much to me. I learned so much during my time in AEPi and I hope I can help the undergrads in my region do the same.” He is excited to work in the region where AEPi was founded, which is also a change of scenery from the West Coast where Brother Kaplan has lived his whole life. He can’t wait to meet his chapters and give them the best fraternal experience AEPi can offer.
Brother Kaplan is also excited for Convention 106. “I’m excited to see the capital of the USA and get to meet all my brothers from all over the world.”

Sani Salcum – Israel & Vienna
Coming all the way from Istanbul, Turkey, Brother Salcum (IDC, 2017) cannot wait to begin his third year as a consultant and work with chapters in Israel and Vienna, Austria. “Judaism and Zionism are the main reason I ended up at IDC in Herzliya.” In the Israel Aleph chapter, he served as Sentinel, Scribe and Lieutenant Master. AEPi provided him a multitude of opportunities as an undergraduate. “I just wanted to give back to repay all that AEPi provided me.” He can’t wait to continue building up Israeli chapters and help them reach their highest potential.
“I look forward to meeting so many new undergraduate brothers who will eventually become the next leaders of their chapters and community.”

Ian Scheiman – Appalachian Region
Coming from San Francisco, California, Brother Scheiman (California State – Chico, 2019) is heading east to work in the Appalachian region. “I’m excited to explore a part of the United States I’ve never been to. Also, I’m excited to experience a real winter!” One of Brother Scheiman’s favorite memories with Chi Eta was cooking more than 50 pounds of steak for his last formal with the chapter. AEPi helped him reevaluate his Jewish identity, especially by attending the Hineni Jewish Identity Enrichment Conference at AEPi’s 105th International Convention. “I was grateful to have the opportunity to talk to the Rabbi for three days. I was able to ask a lot of questions and restart my studies of Judaism.” He is excited to see cities like Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C., and to find outdoor adventures while on the road.
“I wanted to work for AEPi to help develop the Jewish leaders of tomorrow, and to give back to the fraternity that made my college experience as special as it was.”

Max Schnaper – Lake Ontario Region
From Livingston, New Jersey, Brother Schnaper (Drexel, 2019) joined AEPi as a way to reconnect with his Jewish roots and deepen his connection to the Jewish people. “I served as philanthropy chairman and new member educator.” As philanthropy chairman, Brother Schnaper led the way for Delta Rho to raise more than $10,000, which shattered expectations and records for the chapter. One of his favorite memories with the chapter was seeing the new member class he was educating become Brothers during initiation. “After attending every convention as an undergraduate, I fell in love with the idea of working for the fraternity. I wanted to give back and help others have a great experience.” He is excited to explore the food culture of upstate New York, especially Buffalo wings and hot sauce challenges. Brother Schnaper is also looking forward to exploring the city of Toronto: “after all, Drake is from there.”

Matt Shipley – Central Region
Before AEPi, Brother Shipley (Florida Gulf Coast, 2017) felt Judaism wasn’t a major influence in his life. “I didn’t engage my culture until I was immersed in it through the Delta Chi chapter. AEPi surrounded me with a Jewish Brotherhood that I never knew I needed. Surrounding myself with people who lived their lives with Jewish values in mind brought me closer to Judaism and Israel.” While he served as social chairman and two terms as rush chairman, his fondest AEPi memory was being the Lieutenant Master when Andy Borans came to give them their charter. He loved seeing his Brothers’ hard work paying off. Brother Shipley is excited for his second year working as an ELC. “I get the opportunity to work with Brothers who I have built amazing relationships with, and to watch them grow as the world’s future Jewish leaders.”
Working for AEPi was something he felt he couldn’t miss out on. “I couldn’t get away from AEPi. I felt my chapter’s growth was largely due to my hard work and effort.” He wanted to continue giving back to other chapters in similar situations. “Simply put, I look forward to my own growth through the growth of each and every one of my chapters. Making them the best they can be is what I’m here for, so I cannot wait to see the milestones we’ll reach together over the year.”

Solomon Solkowitz – UK Region
Brother Solkowitz (Towson, 2019) is proud to be the United Kingdom consultant this year and looks forward to helping AEPi grow overseas. “I’m going to be a long way from home. However, I’m excited to travel overseas and work to support the international Jewish fraternity.” Brother Solkowitz is most excited for the opportunity to travel to Europe for the first time and be exposed to new cultural experiences. At the Tau Mu chapter, he served as social media chair, new member educator, brother at large, sentinel and health and safety officer. His favorite undergraduate experience was planning a school-wide anti-hate event following an anti-Semitic attack on his chapter Brothers.
“I chose to work for AEPi because of how much my undergraduate experience impacted me. I hope to pass on the undergraduate fraternal experience to more AEPi Brothers.”

Thank you to all of these Brothers for their dedication to AEPi and their hard work to make each and every one of our chapters better. Best of luck on the road this year!