Dear Brothers,
Pursuant to Article IX, Section 1(g)(2) of the Supreme Constitution, the Nominating Committee has submitted to the Supreme Board of Governors (SBG) its slate of candidates who will stand for election for the Supreme Board of Governors at the 105th Supreme Council during international convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Those candidates are:
For Supreme Master:
SME Jeffrey H. Jacobson (Northern Arizona, 1992)
For Supreme Master Elect:
SScribe Jason A. Oshins (Union College, 1987)
For Supreme Scribe:
SE Scott D. Knapp (Florida State, 2002)
For Supreme Exchequer:
SSent Eric I. Farbman (Northwestern, 2006)
For Supreme Sentinel:
SG Adam F. Cohen (Georgia, 2006)
For Immediate Past Supreme Master:
SM Scott A. Cohon (Wayne State, 1991)
For Supreme Governor:
SG Jeremy M. Brook (Georgia, 2005)
For Supreme Governor:
SG Michael G. Waitz (DePaul, 2009)
For Supreme Governor:
RG David J. Kirschner (Florida State, 1985)
I am grateful to the members of the Nominating Committee for their outstanding work. Thank you to Supreme Master Elect Jeff Jacobson, Past Supreme Master Mark Schiff, Regional Governor (RG) Craig Rosenberg, RG Steven Kaplan, Supreme Master Scott Cohon (non-voting) and Undergraduate Supreme Governor (USG) Adam Silverstein (non-voting).
The Committee and I congratulate all of the nominated candidates and extend our very best wishes to our 73rd Supreme Master, Scott Cohon and our incoming 74th Supreme Master Jeffrey H. Jacobson.
All the candidates who applied were considered for nomination to the Supreme Board of Governors were outstanding. They submitted excellent and detailed applications, and presented the Committee with a difficult decision. These candidates honor us with their service, their talents and their love for Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Most Fraternally,
Larry C. Leider (York, 1991)
Past Supreme Master
A brief introduction to Nominee David Kirschner:
David is a 1985 Florida State University graduate and completed his Juris Doctorate at Hofstra University in 1989. He was admitted to the bar in 1990 and David is currently a Judge of the New York Criminal Court and an Assistant Adjunct Professor of Law at Queens College in NY and Touro College.
David served the AEPi as a Chapter Consultant, Chapter Advisor, Assistant Regional Governor and Regional Governor. He resurrected the scholarship committee and chaired the committee as well as being the founding chair of our health and safety committee. Outside of AEPi, David is involved in many facets of the Jewish and local community.
David is the proud father of two boys Yechiel and Dovi (AEPi 2019).