If joining AEPi has changed your life, Greek U wants to help you succeed.
“Greek U is offering an annual scholarship to an exceptional sorority or fraternity member who is passionate and devoted to Greek life. If you are a natural leader, avid volunteer, and an exceptional academic, Greek U wants to hear about how joining a sorority or fraternity has changed your life.”
$1,500 will go to an exceptional greek leader for education-related expenses like tuition, housing, meal plans, books, computers; and/or Greek-related expenses, including recruitment fee, dues, housing fee and Greek U apparel.
Founded by brother Daniel Passov (UC Santa Barbara, 2003), Greek U is a one stop shop for all things greek – offering Greek Life culture merchandise including clothing, accessories, graduation swag and now scholarship opportunities.
“I have always worked hard to make sure that fraternities and sororities are seen for the positive things they do for their communities. This scholarship is meant to help spread a positive light.”
Apply now at greeku.com/scholarship.