What do AEPi brothers, rabbis and bearded students all have in common? Ah, yes – the #BROmer, of course.
#BROmer combines the philanthropic ideal of No-Shave November and the Jewish holiday of Lag Ba’Omer.
During the #BROmer, AEPi invites brothers around the world to grow their beards for a month and share their bearded progress with the world for a great cause.
Aleph Male, a startup beard balm company based in Jerusalem, will offer beard balm to our brothers who participate, with 10 percent (use this link) of the earnings going to AEPi’s Official Philanthropy Program (OPP).
According to the Talmud, Lag Ba’Omer commemorates Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 students who perished during the month of Omer due to a lack of respect for each other. They failed to remember the Golden Rule:
ואהבת לרעך כמוך
V’ahavta l’reacha kamocha
Love your neighbor as yourself
The huge loss calls for a month of mourning: the 33 days from Passover until Lag B’Omer (the 33rd day of the Omer). Traditionally, Jews observe mourning in unique ways, including refraining from haircuts or shaving.
Ending on May 3, participants are encouraged to shave along with everyone during a live-streamed BBQ held at AEPi International Headquarters.
Developed by Director of Jewish Enrichment Moshe “Moosh” Lencer, the program aims to showcase the importance of this mitzvah.
“We need to care for ourselves, each other and community,” said Lencer. “Bringing attention to personal health, brotherhood and Tikkun Olam is the goal for this initiative.”
For more information about getting your own #BROmer page on aepigivesback.org, contact Moosh at [email protected]