Alpha Epsilon Pi mourns for the victims, families and communities affected by yesterday’s tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Many of our alumni and undergraduate brothers have friends and families in that school and nearby communities. They – and all of us – will be forever changed by this senseless act that took away precious young lives.
For our affected undergraduates, we have asked our partners including Hillel and Chabad to come and visit with our brothers on campus. We also encourage our students to take advantage of their university-provided grief counseling services.
AEPi also partners with the JED Foundation, which offers resources to those brothers who wish to speak with them. Certainly, at this time, brothers may want to speak to a caring and comforting person to help in the grieving process. That information is available on our website.
We know that already local synagogues throughout South Florida are joining together for community-wide prayer and contemplation. Our brothers will be there, trying to make sense of this tragedy and offering support to our community.
T’Hai Zichram Baruch. “May their lives be remembered as a blessing.”