09 Dec, 2017

How To: Conclave Season

09 Dec, 2017

Dating back to the early 1970s, regional Conclaves were held as a result of AEPi’s dramatic growth to nearly 95 chapters in North America. Conclave allows brothers to meet, connect and learn best practices for chapter operations – gaining a deeper understanding of the fraternity. Today, with more than 185 chapters in six countries, more than 2,000 AEPi brothers gather for our regional Conclaves.

As 2018 Conclave season draws nearer, we’ve compiled a how-to list for you and your chapter brothers:

1. Find Your Region’s Conclave

conclave map-01

AEPi North America is split into five regions, each with its respective Conclave host chapter. Chapters in Israel, Australia, Austria and the U.K. belong to the international region and attend International Conclave in the fall.

Conclave Dates & Locations:

Midwest Conclave – Jan. 26-28, 2018 at Purdue University
Northeast Conclave – Feb. 2-4, 2018 at Hartford University
Southeast Conclave – Feb. 9-11, 2018 at the University of Central Florida
West Conclave – Feb. 23-25, 2018 at Arizona State University
Mid-Atlantic Conclave – March 2-4, 2018 at Lehigh University
Central Conclave – March 2-4, 2018 at the University of North Texas

2. Register Now, Plan Later!

Registration is easy — just go to aepi.org/conclaves. Your registration costs cover the event and meals for the entire weekend.

3. Make Travel Plans

Getting to Conclave is half the fun. But how will the chapter get there? Many chapters carpool, rent buses and even split travel costs with other chapters. It’s a good idea to put a brother or committee in charge of making travel arrangements to Conclave. You can also contact your chapter’s Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) to find out about alternative options.

4. Get the Best Possible Experience

Gain Knowledge: Conclave season is a time full of brotherhood and learning. There’s something to take away for every brother, so it’s best to go to as many break-outs (sessions) as possible. Each break-out is designed to give brothers hands-on, meaningful education to take back to the chapter in order to make effective and positive change. Collaborate with brothers who are facing similar challenges in their roles.

Network: Conclave gives brothers the chance to interact with brothers outside of their chapter – to share new ideas and potential opportunities. In addition to undergraduate brothers, numerous alumni visit and volunteer for Conclaves each year. Take the opportunity to socialize and network with AEPi alumni who are leaders in their respective fields and industries.

Fraternize: Aside from learning key aspects of AEPi operations, some of the best experiences during Conclaves come from hanging out after programming. Whether it’s hitting the local establishments, lounging at the hotel pool or even chilling on campus, get to know your fellow brothers and the larger scope of the fraternity outside of your chapter. How does your chapter compare to the AEPi chapters in the region – and the nearly 190 across the globe?

5. Share

Use the hashtag #ProudtobeaPi while tagging @AEPi and @AlphaEpsilonPi on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

By region:

