Alpha Epsilon Pi invites all chapters to commemorate the fraternity’s founding by hosting a special Shabbat dinner or Havdalah on the Shabbat of either November 1 or 8. Shabbat Across AEPi is a longstanding tradition to celebrate Founders Month. Chapters are encouraged to host other organizations on campus, Jewish or not, at their Shabbat events in an effort to share a beautiful Jewish tradition with the broader campus community.
Shabbat Across AEPi is also an opportunity for our chapters to stand in solidarity with Israel. At a time when Israel and the Jewish community have been targeted more than ever, North American chapters have a duty and responsibility to stand in solidarity with our Israeli chapters and brothers, as well as Israel and the Jewish diaspora community at large.
In an effort to enrich the Shabbat Across AEPi experience with as much Jewish tradition and Israel solidarity as possible, chapters have received resource guides complete with Shabbat dinner prayers and blessings, the prayer for the IDF, Havdalah blessings, and Israeli recipes. Chapters are also eligible to receive resources to purchase traditional Shabbat items, such as challah covers and kiddush cups, to further elevate their Shabbat events.
We look forward to sharing highlights of Shabbat Across AEPi in November!